Super Tuesday resulted in big wins for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in most states, including Tennessee and Rutherford County. However, within Rutherford County there was a distinct difference in how those around campus voted.
Precinct-by-precinct, it’s clear that MTSU students were “feeling the Bern,” as Bernie Sanders won the Democratic primary in precinct 17-1 (North Boulevard Church of Christ) and had more votes than any candidate from either party.
Below are maps of the Rutherford County voting precincts. The republican map shows Trump’s Rutherford County win broken down where the red results sow precincts in which he won by a majority, pink represents precincts he only won by plurality and yellow represents precincts he lost.
In the democratic map, Clinton’s win is also detailed, where blue represents a precinct she won and purple indicates a precinct Sanders won. The purple precincts are all areas near campus with a dense student population.
Follow Sarah Grace Taylor on Twitter at @Sarah_GRACE_22
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