Featured Photo By Reggie Johnson
Story by Reggie Johnson
On Friday night, thousands of students and creatives came to see Color the Runways’ 6th annual fashion show.
This year’s theme was “Color the Runway Presses the Issues,” as described by Aaliyah Cummings, the show’s director.
“The persistent issues in the Black community. Police brutality is one example. Another would be addressing the racial issues on this campus. Our scenes in tonight’s show exemplified Black excellence and how everything we do is copied and mimicked. We wanted to press that issue and let people know we’re here and back to stay,” Cummings said.
Color the Runway networked with over ten plus designers for the show, expanding to the 615 area, Memphis, Atlanta and Florida.

Her colleague, Makalah Smith, Co-Director, explained that they knew tonight would be a big event.
“We always have over a thousand people to come out and support our show. With this performance, we wanted to pay homage to the previous directors and creators who helped start this organization,” Smith said.
For them, having the show during Black History Month is a great way to celebrate.
“Doing the show in February also adds to the organization’s tradition by highlighting Black creators and celebrating Black excellence,” Smith said.

As the show ended, Aaliyah got on stage to express gratitude to the directors, school, and audience.
“I’m feeling really good. This moment doesn’t feel real. In my opinion, this show ate all the other shows, but that’s biased,” Aaliyah said.
The show was live-streamed and posted to MTSU Media’s YouTube.
Watch the show here.
Reggie Johnson Jr. is a Lifestyles Reporter for MTSU Sidelines.
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