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MTSU Tabletop Club goes to State-Wide Gaming Convention


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Story and Photos by Stephanie Hall | Contributing Writer

Middle Tennessee State University Tabletop Club members were able to attend Tennessee Game Days, a state-wide gaming convention at the Marriot in Cool Springs.

The fall convention was raising money for Extra Gaming for Extra Life, where the attendees were able to donate to the Children’s Miracle Network that funds local children’s hospitals. The proceeds from this year’s event are going to the Monroe Carrell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.

Lots of tables were set up where people were able to buy board games, much cheaper than the average price of the game.
Jon Garretson teaches Ryan Nedrow how to play a new game that he bought.

“I have a board game that I really enjoy, that I play with my family. I found a copy here that’s like an old one that I’ve been looking for. I bought it and then I played a game with five other people that had never played it before. Every single one of them said they loved it. And that just feels awesome because it’s one of my favorite games I got to share it and everyone’s like, yeah, that was great,” Garretson said.

Sophia Watts (left).

MTSU student Sophia Watts enjoyed getting to be able to make friends and play a lot of games.

“I don’t really know anyone super well from the club. So now I feel like I have a lot of solid friends after this,” Watts said. 

Ryan Nedrow surveying table of board and card games.

Ryan Nedrow got to buy and play games he hasn’t got to play this. “Best moment has been in my first game of ‘Blood on the Clock Tower’, being the adversary to the group and winning, I had no clue what I was doing, but I had some really, really, great teammates,” Nedrow said.

A team of MTSU students competed, consisting of Sophia Watts, Jackie Craig, Percy Brannan, Justice Hobbs and Drew Wright. They won first place and donated the game to the Tabletop club inventory. 
Ashton Beatty and Shakthidhar Kannan play a game they borrowed from the game library on Saturday morning. 
All of the MTSU Tabletop Club that attended gathered in the game library for a photo. TN Game Days, Sept. 23 to 25.

To contact Lifestyles Editor Ethan Pickering, email [email protected].

For more news, visit www.mtsusidelines.com, or follow us on Facebook at MTSU Sidelines or on Twitter at @Sidelines_News 

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