Sunday, December 22, 2024
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MTSU club hockey earns No. 5 spot in latest rankings

Feature Photo by Caitlyn Hajek Story by Ephraim Rodenbach MTSU club hockey made history this past week by earning its highest ranking in team history. After a series sweep of in-state rival Vanderbilt that included an 8-0 shutout, the Blue Raiders climbed to the No. 5 spot in Division II club hockey rankings.

A brief history of MTSU club hockey

Feature photo by Ephraim Rodenbach Story by Ephraim Rodenbach When it comes to the local sports scene at MTSU, the...

Portal raiders: MTSU men’s basketball reload for 2024

Feature photo by Sidelines archive Story by Jacob Burgess   Middle Tennessee men’s basketball is set for another season of...

O captain, my captain. Meet MTSU club hockey president, Linden Palmer.

Feature Photo by Abby Barber Story by David Cassman As president and team captain, Linden Palmer serves as the heart...

MTSU club hockey defeats Wake Forest

Feature photo by Ephraim Rodenbach Story by David Cassman Middle Tennessee State University (5-1-1) defeated Wake Forest (1-3-1) 8-4 on...

Burning Man: more than a festival

Atlanta Northcutt // Contributing Writer  There is a city in the middle of the Nevada desert that rises from the dust once a year to...

When we make rape a joke, who’s the punchline?

CNN, The Huffington Post, Fox and even Rolling Stone have all in some capacity latched on to the latest scandal to hit the Millennial generation: sexual...

Free Expression, The Confederate Flag and the Ku Klux Klan

The current discussion on changing the name of Forrest Hall and the controversy surrounding the Confederate flag are both crucial ones to be had....

Read the Fine Print: Where FERPA and HIPAA leave your medical records at risk

If you are a student and seek counseling or health services through your university, your medical records may not be protected by typical medical-privacy...

Valentine’s Day for Singles

Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love. For a lot of people, that means going out and buying sweet gifts for a significant...

MTSU Honors Lecture Series: A Nearly Lost History

MTSU’s Honors College will host the Spring 2015 lecture series every Monday from 3:00 p.m. to 3:55 p.m. in the Paul W. Martin, Sr....