Photo by Eric Goodwin / Assistant News Editor
Murfreesboro police responded Wednesday evening to reports of an armed robbery at Campus Crossings Apartments on North Rutherford Boulevard. The victim said the suspect, named Devin, pulled a gun on him during a drug deal.
At approximately 5:18 p.m. the officer responded to a call from the victim through Teleserve, a MPD process that takes non-emergency reports through the telephone, according to the police report.
The victim said he had been robbed around 3:05 p.m. Wednesday after engaging in a drug deal with Devin, whom the victim described as a 5’8” black male with dreadlocks down to his shoulders. After the victim entered Devin’s four-door Audi in front of the P building to buy marijuana, Devin pulled a gun on the victim and demanded his wallet.
The suspect stole about $200, according to the victim.
Campus apartments near MTSU are expected to see heavier policing and more landlord accountability policies soon as the City of Murfreesboro and the MTSU Police Department step up their strategies to combat crime at complexes near campus.
To contact News Editor Andrew Wigdor, email [email protected].
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