Story and photo by Kristi Jones / Contributing Writer
As the voting primaries in March near, citizens are rushing to the registration booths to get ready.
Students at Middle Tennessee State University are taking advantage of the accessibility of registering to vote on campus.
MTSU has booths set up to register last minute voters, available to students, staff and the general public.
Some students have explained why they will be voting in the primaries, as well as the general election in November.
“I do plan on voting in both the primary and the general election. I think the impeachment hearings coupled with this election will prove which party actually represents and cares for this country,” continued Leighton Daniel, a freshman majoring in aerospace pro-pilot program, “I think it is important for college campuses to set up election booths because the future of our country rests on our shoulders. If we don’t vote for what we believe in America will be lost.”

According to the United States Election Project, in 2018 elections, roughly 66 percent of citizens aged 60 and older voted. The percentage of voters continues to decrease as the age lowers. Only 32 percent of people aged 18 to 24 voted in 2018 elections. However, that is a large increase from the 17 percent who voted in the same age category in 2014 elections.
Last November, MTSU was recognized with the “Silver Seal” award for its efforts to increase voter registration and participation among the student body through similar programs. The award, issued by the 2019 ALL IN Challenge Awards Ceremony, recognizes universities and colleges who show a committed effort to increasing student voter rates, and for achieving a student voting rate between 30-38 percent during the 2018 midterm elections.
MTSU’s student voter participation?
37.7 percent.
Hopefully, the student body can blow these numbers out of the water once more.
To contact News Editor Savannah Meade, email [email protected].
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