Donations Needed for MTSU Student Food Pantry


Photo via MTSU

Middle Tennessee State University has had a food pantry for students since 2012. Now donations are needed due to an increase of students in crisis as a result of COVID-19.

Laura Clippard, International Fellowships and Honors College Coordinator, stated via email, “I am told that many MTSU students now face greater housing insecurity because of COVID. MTSU does keep a food and supplies pantry to help students in crisis. Let’s do our part by donating items to MTSU pantry for our students.”

Highly needed items include:

  • boxed meals
  • jelly or jam in a jar
  • shelf-stable milk
  • cleaning supplies
  • personal hygiene items

Specific items needed and a wishlist for more donation options can be found on the student food pantry’s website.

Donations and students in need can be sent to the MT One Stop, located in the Student Services and Admissions Center, room 210.

For questions, please contact the MT One Stop at 615-898-2111 or email them at