A Muslim Murfreesboro man reported to police that several pieces of bologna and a used condom were placed on his vehicle during the night between Sunday and Monday, according to a Murfreesboro Police Department press release.
The release states that the bologna caused over $1,000 worth of damage to the paint on the victim’s vehicle. The victim stated to Murfreesboro Police that the vandalism was likely an anti-Islamic act, as the victim currently practices Islam, and his wife wears a headdress. The case has since been assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division, and the FBI has been notified of the incident.
It is unknown if the incident is linked to the anti-Islamic vandalism that occurred last Monday at the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro. The vandalism of the ICM included graffiti on the wall of the mosque. Similarly to the incident involving the Murfreesboro resident, vandals placed bacon on the ground around the entrance of the ICM and on the door handles. The graffiti was removed last Tuesday when members of the Murfreesboro community gathered to show support and assist in the removal of the paint.
Anyone with information regarding the vandalisms are encourage to contact the CID at 615-893-2717 or Crime Stoppers at 615-893-7867.
To contact News Editor Andrew Wigdor, email [email protected].
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