Featured Photo by Annabelle Cranfill
Story by Annabelle Cranfill
Middle Tennessee State University’s History Club held their annual Haunted Tour Saturday night. Officers and members of the club dressed up as “Gravity Falls” characters and guided participants around MTSU’s campus. Stories were shared about the multiple different hauntings that have occurred in buildings on campus.
This was the fifth year that the History Club put on the Haunted Tour. The officers began preparations last semester while members began preparing last month. Extra meetings were needed to film the promo, arrange stories and write out scripts to fully produce the tour.
“It’s important to me as president to make sure this event is really well put together,” said Grace Holland. “We’ve only been doing it for five years and I feel like every year it improves.”

The tour began with everyone meeting up at the Blue Horseshoe in front of Peck Hall, where the History Club typically meets. The participants were given glowsticks before it began. There was an introduction of the presenters before the tour guide began leading everyone around campus.
Stories were told at 11 different stops all over campus ranging from the Wiser-Patten Science Hall to the Walker Library and to Tucker Theatre. The presenters each told stories of different hauntings and spooky stories including dead professors, a girl with ants in her face, a horse haunting campus and ending with the Bell Witch.
“All of the stories that we tell are true stories that did actually happen on campus,” said History Club president, Grace Holland. “We did all of our research using the archives in the library and in the Gore Center to make sure we are telling these stories as accurately as possible.”

The Haunted Tour is one of the History Club’s biggest events throughout the year. The tour improves each year with little tweaks and new additions.
“I have personally seen a lot of growth within the tour,” said vice president, Wren Miller. “I think it is a good way to connect the community to History Club and it’s a really big selling point for some of our members.”
After the last stop on the tour, the group gathered inside Peck Hall for a Halloween party. Cookies, candy, and beverages were provided in a conference room filled with spooky decorations. Participants were able to get to know the club members and learn more about the club through socializing with the snacks.
Following the Halloween party was the costume contest. Multiple costumed contestants entered for a chance at one of the prizes. The top three costumes won spooky baskets filled with candy, activities, and trinkets of varying degrees.
Stay up to date for more events on the History Club’s Instagram
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