Featured Photo by Jordan Reining
Story by Jasmine Banks
Homecoming is the time of year when many colleges, and even high schools welcome back their alumni and other members to celebrate how far the organization has come. Several activities are put into place throughout the week to help people enjoy the celebration. This year Middle Tennessee State University had a few functions lined up such as a skate night, NPHC showcase and the Alumni Association pop up.

One event that hundreds enjoy is the homecoming parade, which is filled with food, fun and laughter. Recently, I was able to get behind the scenes of one of the most key features of the parade: the homecoming floats. I spoke with two sororities that took part in building floats for the Sept. 23 parade.
Alpha Chi Omega teamed with Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Gamma Rho and Phi Kappa Tau. Alpha Omicron Pi worked alongside Alpha Gamma Rho, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Alpha Phi Alpha.
As I saw the process, I noticed that both sororities and their partners used hard work and dedication to get the job done. Alpha Chi Omega and Alpha Omicron Pi began their journey as early as summertime with the help of their most trusted peers. Although they do work ahead of schedule, most still must pull all-nighters. The groups stay up late at night finishing the last touches on their float.
The first step both groups had to take was to discuss how much material was needed to build their floats. Some of the supplies that were ordered by both organizations were pomp, spray paint, wood, tissue and wires.

There were many obstacles that both organizations faced while working on the floats, but they persevered.
“There is always going be trial and error, but we have taken time to reevaluate and push through the difficulties,” said Kamille Smith, the President of Alpha Chi Omega.
Many members of the organizations had to take on many jobs to make sure everything ran smoothly. Jessica Hinger doubled as the Vice President of Chapter Relations of Alpha Chi Omega as well as the homecoming chair. According to Cecilia Cruz, President of Alpha Omicron Pi, three members served as co-homecoming chairs and they had to divide up responsibilities.
Although I was not able to speak to all the sororities and fraternities, everyone did so well on their floats. I can see the teamwork and perseverance that went into play with them all.
To contact Lifestyles Editor Destiny Mizell, email [email protected]. For more news, visit www.mtsusidelines.com, or follow us on Facebook at MTSU Sidelines or on X at @MTSUSidelines.